Unmatched Configurability

Included in Western Semiconductor’s IP portfolio are fully and rapidly configurable CPU cores. Harnessing the power of Transaction-Level Verilog (TL-Verilog), along with our extensive standard cell library,  Western Semiconductor can rapidly reconfigure CPU cores from low-frequency 1-cycle microcontrollers to high-frequency 9-cycle implementations. Our cores support RISC-V and MIPS, and we can easily customize the ISA to be optimal for your application’s unique needs. 

Remove the hassle and limitations inherent in pre-defined configuration options and let our team build exactly the right CPU for your system needs.

Learn More

Our CPUs are entirely configurable with rapid iterations. Let us build the optimal processor for your system. Download our CPU data sheet below for more information.

Get A Free Estimate

Inquire today for a quote from our engineering team. Once we better understand your project specifications, we can provide a transparent timetable and price estimate prior to moving forward with the design process. 


398 South Mill Avenue, STE 300, Tempe, Arizona 85281, United States